Here we are going to play a 3gp video in our Android application.
The important point we have to note is that video doesn’t plays when placed in the raw folder.Hence it has to be placed in the SDCARD itself.
So lets begin this interesting topic.
Ok, let us first insert our video:
In eclipse open perspective DDMS(Window –> Open Perspective –> DDMS) .
In DDMS perspective open view File Explorer(Window –> Show View –> File Explorer).
Also open Device view (Window –> Show View –> Device) and click the emulator you want to use(if emulator is not running then run a emulator with a sdcard option).
Then in File Explorer view navigate the tree shown and click sdcard node.
There are two buttons on the top right hand side of File Explorer as shown below
Click the button “Push a file onto the device” and in the file chooser navigate and choose the 3gp video.It should appear in the list of sdcard.(If not able to insert, check whether SDCARD is emulated in the emulator , in 1.5 sdk while creating a new Emulator there is a option of sdcard , insert 128M in the textbox next to it).
Replace the its content with following contents:
( I will use "(" in place of "<" )
(?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
(FrameLayout android:id="@+id/FrameLayout01"
(VideoView android:id="@+id/myvideo"
- Now create your main activity class :
public class SeeVideo extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// set the view to our layout file
// Video view: to view our video
VideoView video = (VideoView) findViewById(;
//set your video path(in this case squirrel-playing-football.3gp)
- Run the application and the video runs as shown below: