
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Android Database SQLite

SQLite database 
  • In some cases, the file is not a valid multi-threaded data access if Ø is Ø -related applications that may change if the complex data structures, etc. Ø
  • So, Android has built-in SQLite database support to bring
  • Database package suite for creating them are private
  • Database should not be used to store files
  • Tip: In the SDK in the samples / NotePad can be found under the examples on how to use the database
  • SQLite is a lightweight software library
  • Implement a fully adapt to severe environmental database Ø Ø atomic weight of rugged durability Ø Ø independence
  • Volume size of only a few thousand bytes
  • Some SQL commands only partially supported, for example: ALTER, TABLE
  • See for more information

  • *****************************************
Create Database

  • Context.createDatabase (String name, int version, int mode, CursorFactory factory) to create a new database and returns a SQLiteDatabase object
  • If the database can not be created, then throw FileNotFoundException exception
  • New method to create SQLite database
  • ****************************************
SQLiteDatabase myDataBase=this.openOrCreateDatabase("myDataBase.db",
                               MODE_PRIVATE, new CursorFactory(){
// Create a new database, the name  myDatabase, Model MODE_PRIVATE, mouse factory  
// The factory classes, an optional factory class  , When a query is called to instantiate a cursor  
    public Cursor newCursor(SQLiteDatabase db,
            SQLiteCursorDriver masterQuery, String editTable,
            SQLiteQuery query) {
           // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;

  • Delete Database 
    • Context.deleteDatabase (String name) Remove the specified name of the database
If the database is deleted successfully returned true, failure was false (such as a database does not exist) 
// Create a file named  :myDataBase Database, Postfix  .db

SQLiteDatabase my_DataBase=this.openOrCreateDatabase("myDateBase.db",
                                                                      MODE_PRIVATE, null);
my_DataBase.close();// Don't forget to close the database  
Open the database 

Context.openDatabase (String file, CursorFactory factory) to open an existing database and returns a SQLiteDatabase object 

If the database does not exist throw FileNotFoundException exception
// Create a file named  :myDataBase Database, Postfix  .db
SQLiteDatabase my_DataBase=this.openOrCreateDatabase("myDateBase.db",                                                                      MODE_PRIVATE, null);
my_DataBase.close();// Don't forget to close the database  
Non-query SQL commands 

SQLiteDatabase.execSQL (String sql) can be used to execute non-query SQL commands, these commands do not result

  • Including: CREATE TABLE / DROP TABLE / INSERT, etc.
  • For example:
  • Create a file named "test" and a table with two parameters
  • **********************************************

  • // Create a group named "test" and with two parameters table  
    my_DataBase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE test (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                                                            someNumber INTERGER);");
  • **********************************************
2. In the database to insert a tuple 
/ In the database into a tuple  
my_DataBase.execSQL("INSERT INTO test (_id,someNumber) values(1,8);");
3. Remove Table 

// Delete table  
my_DataBase.execSQL("DROP TABLE test");
Query SQL command - Cursor Cursors 

  • Android use the cursor (Cursors) to navigate browse query results
  • Cursor (Cursors) to describe the object to be android.database.Cursor
  • A cursor (Cursors) is a simple pointer, which results from a query to the next tuple a tuple (or the previous or the first or ... ...)
  • Cursor (Cursors) Location Location in the moment it returned tuple data
    // In order to create a  Cursor( Cursor  ), You must perform a query, either by  SQL Use  rawQuery() Method  
            // Or a more elaborate methods, like  query() Method  
            Cursor cur=my_DataBase.rawQuery("SELECT * FORM test", null);
            if(cur!=null){// The cursor is not empty  
             // Returns the columns of the given name based on the 0-based  index, If this property returns the column does not exist  -1
             // Through their index to retrieve the property values  
             int numColumn=cur.getColumnIndex("someNumber");
                //cur.moveToFirst() Let the cursor to the first row, if the cursor is pointing to the first row  , Returns  true
             do {
                         int num=cur.getInt(numColumn);// Get the current row of the value of this property  
                        /*Cursor Provides a different method to return a different data type cable  
                         For example,  getInt(int index)/getString(int index) And so on  */
                       /* Do something  */
                   } while (cur.moveToNext());
                         /* Moves the cursor to the next line, if the cursor has passed the end of the result set  ,
                        That is, there are no rows can be moved, then the return  false*/
                      // Other possible move   previous()  And  first() Method  
    database application sample 
    Part code 
    • Enter the new contact information added to the database
      // The new import contact information into the database  
      private void addToDataBase(String name_str2, String phone_str2, String email_str2, String address_str2) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        String sqlCmd="INSERT INTO myPhoneBook(Pname,Pphone,Pemail,Paddress) values('"+name_str2+"','"+phone_str2+"','"+email_str2+"','"+address_str2+"');";
        try {
         ShowNoteInformation(" Added successfully  !!");
        } catch (Exception e) {
         // TODO: handle exception
         ShowNoteInformation(" Add failed, record already exists  !!");
        Log.i("MYTEST", sqlCmd);
      Database to find contact information
         // Instantiate the  ArrayList
         arraylistmap=new ArrayList>();
         ShowNoteInformation(" View the telephone  ");
         // In order to create a  Cursor( Cursor  ), You must perform a query, either by  SQL Use  rawQuery() Method  
               // Or a more elaborate methods, like  query() Method  
         myCursor=myPhoneBookDB.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM myPhoneBook", null);
               if(myCursor!=null){// The cursor is not empty  
                // Returns the columns of the given name based on the 0-based  index, If this property returns the column does not exist  -1
                // Through their index to retrieve the property values  
                int numColumn_name=myCursor.getColumnIndex("name");
                int numColumn_phone=myCursor.getColumnIndex("phone");
                int numColumn_email=myCursor.getColumnIndex("email");
                int numColumn_address=myCursor.getColumnIndex("address");
                   //cur.moveToFirst() Let the cursor to the first row, if the cursor is pointing to the first row  , Returns  true
                 do {
            // Get the current row of the value of this property  
                  /*Cursor Provides a different method to return a different data type cable  
                                                                  For example,  getInt(int index)/getString(int index) And so on  */
            my_name = myCursor.getString(numColumn_name);
            my_phone = myCursor.getString(numColumn_phone);
            my_email = myCursor.getString(numColumn_email);
            my_address = myCursor.getString(numColumn_address);  
            myMap =new HashMap();
            myMap.put("Name",my_name );
            myMap.put("hone",my_phone );
            myMap.put("Email",my_email );
            myMap.put("Address",my_address );
            /* Do something  */
           } while (myCursor.moveToNext());
                 /* Moves the cursor to the next line, if the cursor has passed the end of the result set  ,
                                                       That is, there are no rows can be moved, then the return  false*/
                 // Other possible move   previous()  And  first() Method  
               adapter=new SimpleAdapter(this, arraylistmap, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, new String[]{"Name"}, new int []{});
      The database to remove the phone records
      ShowNoteInformation(" Delete the call log  ");
         myPhoneBookDB.execSQL("DELETE FROM myPhoneBook WHERE Pname='"+my_name+"';");
         Log.i("MYTEST", "DELETE FROM myPhoneBook WHERE Pname='"+my_name+"';");
      cleanShow(); Android based Database Programming

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